22 June 2012

Arena: The Witcher!

Around two or three hours ago I finished for the 5th time one of my favorite RPG - The Witcher. Game made by CD Project Red brings us back to the world of Witcher created by Andrzej Sapkowski. Game story begins in the popular way. Main hero lost his
memory after death. Not to search far, same beginning was in Gothic 2. But unlike in Gothic this time main hero (Witcher Geralt) is related to the book. There are many hidden and veiled references to the plot of the book. Sometimes even single word, gesture or scene can be related to the original story. Generally I advice to begin with reading the book, and than complete the story on the computer, but it is your choice.

The game suits the specific convention of world created by Andrzej Sapkowski. Universe of his books is so original, because the world is not pathetic. The heroes are not pure like a crystal. They are often forced to choose between greater and lesser evil. There is a lot of erotica, uncensored words (which are often stylized to be old-like, eg. "Go and jape yourself"). This universe is not ordered. This world is not the world of pure heroes that fight to save the world. In fact every single character takes evil actions as well as noble deeds. Great and enjoyable - because natural.

Worth mentioning is the fact that the plot is not predictable. Nearly every choice made by player (even so simple - to fight with someones help or alone) has its consequents in future. In fact you can finish the game three or even four times and every time you can have completely different ending. You create your destiny and the destiny of the world. As remarkable quote says: 
"The sword of destiny has to edges. One of them is you. The other one is death"

As a summary of this note I will make a small competition, just to check your searching skills. Find on my blog exactly 3 pictures (those included in this note do not count) taken from The Witcher game and post that they are here in comments (comment under the post where are they used). I hope there will be response soon.

And for the end to fulfill my unspeakable desire - nostalgic music, from the game soundtrack, because I still feel the nostalgia, that the game content is fully revealed again. I simply want more.

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