14 June 2012

Tavern: Adrian Von Ziegler

I remember the unfulfilled desire of music with magic in it since my childhood. I've been searching for it for ten long years and never found something satisfying enough. Until I discovered one musician. Only one that had same desire but directed to compose such music rather than to find it (also since he was a child).

His first album was published in June 2010, when he was at the age of 20. He remains active composer since that time until now, so you may expect new projects, new premiers and new magical ideas forged by his mind into the form of music (and not only!). If you would like to feel magical shivers running down your spine, caused by his sounds follow this list below.
  • Wanderer
  • Mirror of the Night
  • Mortualia
  • Spellbound

    He is unique composer, that is not focused on one particular genre. He creates music that reaches from Celtic through Asian and Arabian to Gothic metal. Each of his songs include orchestra, but does not contain any words at all. Than you are forced to interpret it on your own. All in all it is the listener who somehow creates the unique magic of his music.

    If you desire more I promise you I will check Adrian von Ziegler facebook profile and his web page regularly and keep informing you up to date about recent news. What's more you may soon expect more notes about evewry album he will publish in the future.

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