18 June 2012

Tavern: Sabaton

I like history as a discipline of science. Learning about heroic battles, insidious intrigues and political intricacies was something that I really enjoyed. But I while I was learning I missed the emotions. I couldn't feel the excitment mixed with desperations of Leonidas fightning against the Persian Empire of Xerxes I in the Battle of Thermopylae. But finally one band managed to incorporate such emotions in music.

It was obviously Sabaton - swedish power metal team led by Joakim Brodén. They compose music generally about war (especially lyrics are inspired by battles from World War I, World War II and the Vietnam war). Every Sabaton (more or less of course) songs makes me want to yell as loud as possible. I encourage you to follow this list below to become acquainted to music of Sabaton:
  • Fist for Fight
  • Primo Victoria
  • Attero Dominatus
  • Metalizer
  • The Art of War
  • Coat of Arms
  • Carolus Rex

It is the issues raised in their lyrics that make them so special I think. They do appreciate battle value of Ghost division, but also condemn war crime of Holocaust. So they somehow judge the history. But they do it in the fair way. All in all I really enjoyed music they offered. And as usual soon there will appear back dated notes about all of the Sabaton previous albums!

If you desire more I promise you I will check Official Sabaton  web page  regularly and keep informing you up to date about recent albums. Hope we will hear again soon!

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