About Me

My name is Wojciech and I come form Poland. Actually I live in Gothenburg as I moved to the Sweden with ERASMUS student exchange programme.  I'm 21 years old (born 09.06.1991).  I study regional policy and local governance at the University of Warsaw. I'm also as you probably know, blogger :)!. 

I made several blogs so far, but I decided to close all previous ones and now the only existing blog is black ravens blog. Reasons why I did it were different for each blog, but please do not bother (some notes on this blog even come form previous ones).

Someone once asked me, what motivates me to write blog? The answer is really simple - the chance to develop my skills from note to note and keep being in constant progress. I also like writing itself. I create my nest in the Internet, where I can share everything I like. It is also very motivatig that blogging gives me the chance to converse with artist and other famous people (example of such fruitfull partnership is: with Adrian Von Ziegler). 

And as summary I would like to say that the story of my blog is not yet finished. There is much more to be spoken, and even more to be revealed. So I hope you enjoy and please - stay tuned!

Best regards,

Wojciech 'Black Raven'

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