

I am generaly against establishing any regulations, but blogers practice revealed that it is necessary. So I put here some  basic rules, that are probably known by heart by average reader of my blog. I publish them here so I can refer to it in case of unpleasant situation.

Rules of Commenting

§1. Imprecation is forbidden (with no exceptions. Seriously it means ban)
§2. Offensive behaviour, racism and any other form of intolerance, violence or inapropriate content (porn, drugs, crime, spam etc.) also won't be tolerated
§3. If the discusion is pointless it can be deleted by the moderator without explonation.
§4. If your comment is not an advertisment of Ukrainian viagra and it haven't appeared at the  very moment  when you clicked "send" button let me check my filters. I swear that it will be published within several hours, providing everything is ok
§5. Penalties for inapropriate behaviour are: warnings, deleting content and ban. Deleting content means automaticly warning and 3 warnings mean automatical ban.
§6. Warnings vanish after 30 days of  smooth behaviour

Copyright and related rights

§1. Every content is my (authors) property. I do own copyright for it according to the polish Law on Copyright and Related Rights from fourth of February 1994.
§2. If you want to use any content for non comercial purpose, feel free. I only require you to link the source and email me, where is it used.
§3. Comercial use of any content requires separate consent. Ceteris paribus in the written form.
§4. Most of the graphics come from public domain or my private resources. But some are random findings from google. If you think your copyrights have been broken email me, so we can find amicable solution.

Final regulations

§1. If any potential situation can not be verified by using rules mentioned above it will be arbitraly judged by author of the blog.
§2. This regulations were updated for the last time at eight of June 2012 and are valid since that time until now.


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