For Newcomers

You are staying in front of a well fortified rampart. You came here intentionally. By clicking "For Newcomers" button you have drawn my attention. Now you can see me flying over the wooden palisade. While you look disbeliefly the black raven morphs in front of you into a form of human. He becomes taller, his wings create black coat and feathers become brighter and either create brown hair or disappear. He is a bit thicker than you imagined. Welcome to my domain - he says at the very moment when the gates are lifted up. I'm Black Raven - outcast as well as sovereign of this lands, but please call me just as Raven. Come here, through the bridge to the gate. Guards move out, our honored guest is coming. So now tell me what would you like to do?

  • Maybe read something about fantasy books? Yes? Than you have to go to the chapel, where pious monks keep my notes about books I've already read, and kept in mind as worth remembering.
  • Ah you also want to hear some awesome music. Than feel free to visit the tavern where bards sing their songs. I swear you will find one that you like.
  • Ok so you want to practice some fighting. A kind of tournament you say, yes of course there is an arena to fight. Go there anytime you want to hear about games!
  • Don't you think it would be a good idea to see some films or serials? Yes it is a bit further. We have to move into the cathedral where sworn brothers guard my notes about them.
  • Yes, of course, now it is high time to eat some food and drink something. We have to visit Samwise the innkeeper. His cousine is really great, not to omit delightful liquors. Yes that's really great idea.
  • Ok, so we have to leave this area now, but do not worry, we are going to see magical places that came into reality from our dreams. Ready?

Ok, so thats my offer just to start with. Now you can see crossroads, which means you have plenty things to do. You ask me for advice? Yes of course I will give you one. For example you can see one of the most prominent cycles or search right column menu for what you really like, but it is your choice. I leave you here, but you can always ask me here.

The man morphs into the form of raven and flies away. But you feel he is still close to you. Raven's heart is always close to his readers!

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