12 June 2012

Cathedral: The Borgias

It was probably the music that draw my attention. Generally awesome soundtrack can make me want to watch a film or series. But in this case music was simply first. I have heard it, than took quick glimpse and it was the moment when I realised that The Borgias will be TV series that I would like to see.

Its acion takes place in renaissance Italy (XVth century). It reveals mysterious history of Rodrigo Borgia,who as a result of intrigue, bribery and threats in 1492 sits on the papal throne, taking the name of Alexander the VIth. His pontificate is not the spiritual conduct of the Catholic Church and all Christians, but the attempt to make the Borgia family most influential kin in Rome, and then in the whole Europe. Rodrigo Borgia tries to keep the acquired power and wealth at any cost. In a his bid he is adamant and does not hesitate to reach for the severest measures. The main heroes of the series (and their enactors) are:
  • Rodrigo Borgia or Pope Aleksander VI (Jeremy Irons) – ruthless, pathologically ambitious cardinaland then pope. With cold blood removes his enemies. Sensualist, the father of several, illegitimate children. He annpunced that the Indians of the newly discovered America are people, and ordered priests to give them baptism. It is a great-grandfather of St. Francis Borgia, Viceroy of Catalonia, and in later times the Jesuit General.
  • Lucrezia Borgia (Holliday Grainger) – beautiful and very mature, for her age, darling of Rodrigo. Embroiled in numerous affairs. There are even rumors that her children were fathered by the her father  - Rodrigo or brother - Caesar.
  • Caesar Borgia (François Arnaud) – subordinate to the will of his father agrees in spite of himself to accept the office of a cardinal (he bocems secular  Cardinal). At the end of the life of Pope Alexander VI absolved of the obligation, takes care for the army. The oldest and beloved child of Rodrigo. A talented politician, very intelligent person, consistent in his actions. Maintains close (mentioned rumor says that even intimate) contact with his sister, Lucretia. Imprisoned by Cardinal della Rovere, when he became pope (and took the name of Julius II).
  • Juan Borgia (David Oakes)  – commander of the papal army. Spoiled, vain and corrupted. Always gets whatever he wants. Murdered  probably  by his own brother Caesar. Is the grandfather of St. Francis Borgia, Viceroy of Catalonia, and later General of the Jesuit Order.
  • Vannozza dei Cattanei (Joanne Whalley) – Beautiful, but aging lover of Rodrigo, mother of Juan, Cesare and Lucrezia does not share with him the papal bed, but manages his entire residence.
  • Giulia Farnese (Lotte Verbeek)– one of the many lovers of Pope uses her position to get as much power as possible. It becomes a confidante of Lucretia, is also the reason for the split in the family of Borgia. Sister of Cardinal Alexander Farnese, later Pope Paul III.

    The Borgias is supposed to have at least 29 episodes divided into 3 seasons:
    •  Season I (9 episodes)
    • Season II (10 episodes)
    • Season III (10 episodes), which (according to public announcment) is supposed to be premiered in 2013

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