24 June 2012

Chapel: Rafał Dębski

With books of Rafał Dębski I met for the first time in early April 2010 thanks to my ex girlfriend Dominika. She brought me a sci-fi. book of an unknown (to me, at that time) author. Without great enthusiasm I began reading. Before end of April 2010 I mangaed to get used to another, not really new, but until that time undiscovered and all in alll great fantasy writer. 

He was born in 1969 and is a Polish writer of: fantasy, historic, sensational and criminal novels. He works as a psychologist. Since June 2009 he has been editor in chief of the magazine Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. He debuted in Nowa Fantastyka (New fantasy) in its May 1998 issue with his tale "Siódmy liść" ("Seventh Leaf").

In 2005 his first novel Łzy Nemezis (Tears of Nemesis) was published. in the scope of fantasy literature he won the "Nautilus" award in 2007 for his novel "Czarny Pergamin" ("Black Parchment") and in 2008 for "Gwiazdozbiór kata" (Exutioners Constellation). He published a series of criminal novels, in which the main character is police officer Michał Wroński. He also wrote a novel which takes place during the Russo-Chechen conflict.

I present complete list of all his his works below:

  • Łzy Nemesis (Tears of Nemesis)
  • Czarny Pergamin (Black Parchment)
  • Przy końcu drogi  (At the end of Route) 
  • Gwiazdozbiór kata ( Exutioners Constellation )
  • Kiedy Bóg zasypia (When the God falls asleep) 
  • Pasterz upiorów (Shepherd of the Wraiths) 
  • Wilki i Orły (Wolves and Eagles) 
  • Słońce we krwi (Sun in the blod) 
  • Serce teściowej (The heart of Mother in Law) 
  • Zoroaster. Gwiazdy umierają w milczeniu (Zoroasters. Stars die in Silence) 
  • Wilkozacy. Wilcze prawo (Wolfossacks*. Lupine law.) 
  • Cykl o komisarzu Wrońskim (Comissioner Wroński cycle) 
    • Labirynt von Brauna (Labirynth of von Braun) 
    • Żelazne kamienie (Iron Stones) 
    • Krzyże na rozstajach (Crosses on the crossroads)

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