04 July 2012

History written by Sabaton #1 Battle of Kursk (4 VII 2012 )

The Battle of Kursk took place when German and Soviet forces confronted each other on the Eastern Front during World War II in the vicinity of the city of Kursk, (450 kilometers / 280 miles south of Moscow) in the Soviet Union in July and August 1943. It remains both the largest series of armored clashes, including the Battle of Prokhorovka, and the costliest single day of aerial warfare in history.

02 July 2012

Adrian von Ziegler: Wanderer

As I announced in the last note during my absence (04.07-14.07) you will receive either notes about discography of Adrian Von Ziegler or History written by Sabaton. Today I will be talking about album that was proudly published in October 2011 – Wanderer.

30 June 2012

Adrian von Ziegler: Across Acheron

During several notes coming into life within next days I will fulfill discography of Adrian Von Ziegler. There are 5 more albums already released so you may expect at least 5 notes (which mean 10 days of great fun)! Choice for today is – Across Acheron.

28 June 2012

Adrian von Ziegler: Lifeclock

Some days ago I presented you (Requiem – album made by Adrian Von Ziegler). I hope you enjoyed it. But well not to mince words, things became better, much better – note about new album got released!

26 June 2012

Tavern: History written by Sabaton

The complete discography of Sabaton is supposed to appear on my blog soon. But I imagined a kind of big scale project - cycle of notes, that will make my readers listen almost every Sabaton's work in a slightly different perspective, than usual. Nearly each of their songs is inspired (more or less) by a historical event. So I want to present their songs in the exact anniversaries of events they are about. For example at the tenth of July there will be note presenting

24 June 2012

Chapel: Rafał Dębski

With books of Rafał Dębski I met for the first time in early April 2010 thanks to my ex girlfriend Dominika. She brought me a sci-fi. book of an unknown (to me, at that time) author. Without great enthusiasm I began reading. Before end of April 2010 I mangaed to get used to another, not really new, but until that time undiscovered and all in alll great fantasy writer. 

22 June 2012

Arena: The Witcher!

Around two or three hours ago I finished for the 5th time one of my favorite RPG - The Witcher. Game made by CD Project Red brings us back to the world of Witcher created by Andrzej Sapkowski. Game story begins in the popular way. Main hero lost his

21 June 2012

Black Raven's Blog on facebook!

Joining Black Raven's Blog since today is easier than ever. You can simply sign in using your facebook account. You can do it in the window at the right side or on facebook page of my blog just by clicking like box.  Facebook social plugin replaced anachronical "join this site" powered by google, so everyone who wants to keep up to date with my newly published notes should click like button. I hope this tool will enable more fans come to my blog soon. See you tommorow with brand new note :)!

20 June 2012

Sabaton: Carolus Rex

Published exactly 33 days ago new album of Sabaton  is a kind of a biography of most prominent Swedish kings and generals. It reveals reign of monarchs, their will that created Swedish Empire and after all their great collapse. It is a priceless deal of knowledge about turn of the XVIth and XVIIth century.

18 June 2012

Tavern: Sabaton

I like history as a discipline of science. Learning about heroic battles, insidious intrigues and political intricacies was something that I really enjoyed. But I while I was learning I missed the emotions. I couldn't feel the excitment mixed with desperations of Leonidas fightning against the Persian Empire of Xerxes I in the Battle of Thermopylae. But finally one band managed to incorporate such emotions in music.

16 June 2012

Here it is - The Borgias season II

Eight of April -  exactly senty days days ago premiered second season of one of my favourite series. I have already written note about first season and today I finally managed to create final version (that is good enough to be published) of note about  The Borgias season II.

14 June 2012

Tavern: Adrian Von Ziegler

I remember the unfulfilled desire of music with magic in it since my childhood. I've been searching for it for ten long years and never found something satisfying enough. Until I discovered one musician. Only one that had same desire but directed to compose such music rather than to find it (also since he was a child).

Adrian Von Ziegler: Requiem

It is the Requiem album that brought me into the mystical trance of Adrian Von Zieglers music. It is hard to describe what I felt that time... I think the only suitable enough expression is really meaningful word - magic.

12 June 2012

Here it is - Borgias season I

Once I finally finished watching the whole season (nearly 9 hour of pleasure, yay!) I cam try to reveal my feelings. First of all I want more! Generally I enjoyed it really much.  Good soundtrack, good acting, and plenty of action.

Cathedral: The Borgias

It was probably the music that draw my attention. Generally awesome soundtrack can make me want to watch a film or series. But in this case music was simply first. I have heard it, than took quick glimpse and it was the moment when I realised that The Borgias will be TV series that I would like to see.

10 June 2012

Chapel: Biography of master - Andrzej Sapkowski

Two days ago I told you about J.R.R. Tolkien. The undeniable father of whole fantasy. Today I would like to show you another master - this time creator of so called polish fantasy - Andrzej Sapkowski.

08 June 2012

Chapel: Biography of master - J.R.R. Tolkien

Among thousands of fantasy writers only two managed to achieve status of master in my hierarchy. Both of them somehow created fantasy. First one created its basis, concepts and assumptions. Today I would like to present you

01 June 2012

The flight has begun!

After months of debilitating work, dealing with innumerous problems and adversities my own nest is finally complete. With a great deal of satisfaction I glimpse at my finished job and realise that the night has already come. For many night is a time to rest and sleep. But